Monday, November 7, 2011

My Trip To The Land of Gandhi

In this blog i will discuss what i learned from another group in my class about the main idea of the passage My Trip To The Land of Gandhi, from the text Testament of Hope edited by James M. Washington. This passage talks about the trip that Dr. Marin Luther King Jr made to India and the important ideas he got from this trip. He talks about how during his time  there he barely saw any violence in a place where people had little and were very poor. There was very little crime in India and people didn't take their misery out on each other. There was spiritual equality and no greed. I was taught that this passage it talks about how there are similarities and differences between what Gandhi fought for and his methods of approaching and practicing his believes, and what Dr King fought for and the methods that he used. There were two different kinds of oppressions. Gandhi was trying to get rid of the colonist in India and gain their independence. Dr. King was trying to get justice and equality for a country where everyone was "equal" and "equally protected under the law". Both used the Non-Violence Theory, but for two different kinds of situations.

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